Workshop of Theses and Dissertations (WTD)
Important dates |
Jul 3rd Jul 10th |
Submission deadline |
Aug 14th Aug 21st |
Notification of acceptance |
Aug 28th Aug 31st |
Camera-ready due |
Call for Workshop of Theses and Dissertations
The Workshop of Theses and Dissertations (WTD) aims at motivating discussions about the graduate-level research on topics covered by SIBGRAPI among graduate students, recently graduated students, and senior researchers. Researchers who have recently concluded their graduate studies are cordially invited to submit a paper to the SIBGRAPI WTD.
Who can submit?
Students who defended their M.Sc or Ph.D. after 01/01/2016 and did not present their final work in previous editions of the SIBGRAPI WTD.
Selection criteria
The WTD program committee will evaluate the submitted works with respect to the following criteria: originality, technical quality, contribution to the research area, and clarity of presentation.
Best work awards
Awards for the best Ph.D. and M.Sc. works will be given based on the scores of the papers (submission system) and the opinion of a small committee that will evaluate the posters.
To be eligible for an award, the student must present the paper.
Ph.D. works must be presented in English. M.Sc. works may be presented in English or Portuguese, but English is preferable.
Submission Instructions
Both M.Sc. and Ph.D. works must be written in English. The text should follow the SIBGRAPI formatting guidelines with the following adjustments:
- The name of the authors should not be omitted, disregarding the requirement of anonymity for the articles. Students must appear as the first author and the advisor as the last author, with eventual co-advisors and other collaborators in the middle.
- The articles are limited to 6 double-column pages.
- The text should indicate, by a footnote on the first page, whether the work relates to a M.Sc. dissertation or a Ph.D. thesis.
- Awards, patents, publications or possible distinctions achieved as a result of the M.Sc. dissertation or the Ph.D. thesis should be listed in the last section of the paper.
- Papers should be submitted through the WTD CMT system together with their respective M.Sc. dissertation or Ph.D. thesis in PDF file format. Accepted works must submit a camera-ready paper as well.
Submission checklist
- SUBMISSION: 6 double-column pages article, M.Sc. dissertation or the Ph.D. thesis in PDF file format.
- ACCEPTED WORKS: camera-ready paper.
Presentation guidelines
- SUBMISSION: 6 double-column pages article, M.Sc. dissertation or the Ph.D. thesis in PDF file format.
- ACCEPTED WORKS must be presented in the poster session. The posters must fit in a space of 95cm (width) x 210cm (height). A1 format, portrait orientation, is strogly recommended. The use of small fonts on the text production is not recommended. The poster support has a hanger on its top that can be used to hang the poster.
João D. Comba (UFRGS), and Nina Hirata (USP).