Main Track

Important dates
Jun 5th
Jun 12th
Submission deadline
Jul 24th
Jul 31st
Notification of acceptance
Aug 21st Camera-ready due

Warning: Incomplete or late submissions will not be considered. All deadlines expire at 23:59 PST.

Call for Technical Paper Contributions

Original unpublished papers are invited. All manuscripts submitted to SIBGRAPI 2017 Technical Paper Track (Main Track) must be in English and should have between six (6) and eight (8) pages, to be prepared following the SIBGRAPI IEEE format available below.

All full papers are to be double blindly reviewed by at least three experts in the topic of the work. The final program will only include papers with at least one author registered with full registration rate in the conference. For manuscripts where at least one author is already registered at the full rate, this fulfills the obligation for up to one (1) paper (i.e., each paper must be associated with a different full registration). All papers included in the proceedings of the conference are submitted to IEEE Xplore and scheduled for oral presentation at SIBGRAPI. SIBGRAPI's proceedings are available on-line at IEEE Xplore and also at the SIBGRAPI Digital Library Archive maintained by Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE, Brazil).

Submission Instructions

The SIBGRAPI IEEE LaTeX style is available below:

Please follow the included instructions and the IEEE formatting guidelines, avoiding any change to the format (in particular avoiding \vspace command, or creating subsections or paragraph title with any command different from \subsection or \paragraph). The bibliography should be formatted with a 9pt font. Please do not change the font size, even if it helps to comply with the page limit! The illustrations of the paper should be generated either truly vectorial or rasterized with at least 300dpi.

Paper submission will be handled via CMT system.

Paper presentation

All accepted papers are scheduled for either oral or poster presentation according to the schedule defined for the main track. The oral presentations must fit in 15 minutes, with additional 5 minutes for questions. Slides and presentation must be in English. The posters must fit in a space of 95cm (width) x 210cm (height). The poster support has a hanger on its top that can be used to hang the poster.

No-show policy

No-show papers are defined as papers submitted by authors who subsequently did not present the paper in-person (no videos, no remote cast) at the technical meeting. No-show papers will be removed from the IEEE Xplore.

Anonymity Requirements

Once the review process of submissions will be double blind, authors must prepare their manuscripts without including any indication of their identities or institutional affiliations. Author's identities will be tracked only by the submission system, and visible only by the track chairs. The program committee members and referees who review the paper will not know the identity of the authors.

To ensure anonymity of authorship, authors must prepare their manuscript as follows:

  • Funding sources must not be acknowledged anywhere in the paper.
  • Authors' names and affiliations must not appear on the title page or elsewhere in the paper. Instead, please include under the title the number assigned to your paper by the on-line paper registration system, for instance, by including the command \finalfalse in your LaTeX source file.
  • Research group members or other colleagues or collaborators must not be acknowledged anywhere in the paper.
  • It is strongly suggested that the submitted file is named with the assigned submission number. For example, if your assigned paper number is 39352, then name your submitted file 39352.pdf.
  • Source file naming must also be done with care. For example, if your name is Jane Smith and you submit a PDF file generated from a .dvi file called Jane-Smith.dvi, one can infer your authorship by looking into the PDF file.
  • You must also use care in referring to related past work, particularly your own. For example, avoid mention to your work as "In our previous work [1,2]...", prefer third person referencing as "In previous work [1,2]...". Despite the anonymity requirements, you should still include all relevant work of your own in the references, using the above style (omitting them could potentially reveal your identity by negation). It is the responsibility of authors to do their best to preserve anonymity. Papers that do not follow the guidelines here, or otherwise potentially reveal the identity of the authors, are subject to immediate rejection.
It is the responsibility of authors to do their best to preserve anonymity. Papers that do not follow the guidelines here, or otherwise potentially reveal the identity of the authors, are subject to immediate rejection.

Special Issue

The authors of the best papers on Image and Video Processing, Pattern Recognition, Computer Vision and related topics will be invited to submit an extended version of their work for consideration to a special issue of the Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation.


Rafael P. Torchelsen (UFPEL), Daniele Panozzo (NYU), Erickson Nascimento (UFMG), and Zicheng Liu (Microsoft Research).
If you have any questions, please contact the program chairs at


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